WOD 1/23/15
8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Ankle/Shoulder Mobility
A- Tabata- Double Unders
B- Clean & Jerk- 15 Minutes To A Challenging Single
C- Squat- 8 Minutes To 83% + 3 Every 2 Minutes @ 83% of 12/15/14 For 5 Rounds – 20 Minute Cap
D- Tabata- USSR K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood) or Tabata- USSR K.B. Swing (20/12Kg) *E- Max L-Support Hold
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
I can’t wait to see you guys hit this C&J tomorrow. I predict some PRs. Marcos. Let’s get that 315. I know you can.
I might have to do this late on Saturday. I won’t make it in today
I was able to match my best Clean And Jerk @ 143lbs – made a 6k jump and failed the next one.
I needed a little more time for a PR.. So happy I finally got a chance to do the KBS Tabata.
After my WOD I did:
5 DeadLifts at 165lbs every 45 seconds for 5 rounds +
10 rounds of 3 Hip ext + GHR and 10/10/10 Partial ROM GHD Sit Ups.
So happy I prd my squat clean 105 yay 10lb PR =)!
Welcome to the triple digits Marisa! Congrats…keep up the good work.
Thank you
That clean is looking really good
A- tabata double unders: 150
B- 15 min to 1 max clean and jerk: 125 lbs -PR
C- jerk drive- 3/3/3@100% of above:125lbs
D- front squat- 10 min max reps @80% of above: 100lbs (bar starts on the ground) 61 reps
E- 10 min emom- even- 8 db thruster (25lbsx2)/ odd- 1 rope climb
A- tabata double unders: 228
B- 15 min to 1 max clean and jerk: 101kg -PR
C- jerk drive- 3/3/3@100% of above:worked at 205
D- front squat- 10 min max reps @165# (bar starts on the ground) 45 reps
E- 10 min emom- even- 8 db thruster (45×2)/ odd- 1 rope climb
Hanksta in the house. Nice work
Great job Marisa, glad I got to see it!!
I saw so many PRs. Caroline Crushed it for the day and Sam and michaela are getting string fast!! Rachel PRed her Pull ups after class to!!
Yea progress!!
Woo! Felt so good to be back.
Hit 72kg for clean and jerk.
Worked @165lb for the jerk drive and did 40 front squats at 130lb for the 10min Max rep.
Completed the emom with 25 lb dumbells and one rope odd/even
Seriously great job today everyone! You guys were putting up some beast numbers!
you beat my PR by 1lb- nice work!
Come to tomorrow’s morning wod and support coach adam and the bald population!
A) Tabata DU & TU : 230+ DU & 3 TU
B) 1rep Clean & Jerk : 91kg (PR) 95kg Clean (PR)
C) Jerk Drive 3×3 @ 215lbs
D) Front Squat – 10 min max reps @165lbs (bar starts on the ground) : 47
E) 10 min EMOM – 1 rope climb / 8 DB Thruster (45×2) : Complete
A) Tabata DU: 160
B) 1rep Clean & Jerk: 60kg (PR)
C) Jerk Drive 3×3 @ 135lbs
D) Front Squat – 10 min max reps @105lbs (bar starts on the ground) : 76
E) 10 min EMOM – 1 rope climb / 8 DB Thruster (20×2) : Complete
I’m tired.
I just realized that my 90# clean+jerk was a 5# PR. Yay!