WOD 2/12/15
8 Minutes of Back/Shoulder/Hip/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 200M Row/2 WallWalk/15 USSR K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood) – 6 Minute or 3 RNFT of: 5 Inch Worm/15 K.B. DeadLift (24/16Kg)/200M Row – 6 Minute Cap
B- 4 Minutes Max Reps: Strict Pull Up or Ring Rows
C- Clean- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Triple + 3/3/3@90%; 90 Seconds Rest Between Sets -20 Minute Cap
D- 18/15/12 RFT of: Box Jump Over (30/24″)/DeadLift (225/155) or 18/15/12 RFT of: Box Jump (24/20″”)/DeadLift (135/95)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Glad to see Greg twerkin’ it in honor of my 2 year CF718 Anniversary! I will celebrate by taking the night off.
In light of yesterday’s circle question (what was your reason for choosing CF718) and with today being 2 years, I wanted to say thank you again to Iz, Tammy and the rest of the staff, as well as to the 718 family as a whole.
I think joining this gym is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and that has everything to do with all of you.
Have a great day everyone!
I’m having such a Crummy day, Katie can tell you.
But Dang Dave, you made my day!
I love my team.
So my theme as of late has been realizing I have been very very bad at recording my progress. The last 3RM I have written down was about 18mo back and was 200. Today I hit 225 for a triple.
Good luck to all those competing this weekend. Wish I was around to cheer you all on.