WOD 2/5/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/Ankle/Hip/Back Mobility
A- WU- Tabata- Row (meters) + 2 RNFT of: 10 Each: Kang Squat(75/45)/Jumping Squat (75/45)/10 USSR K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood) or Tabata- Row (meters) + 2 RNFT of: 10 Each: Good Morning (35/15)/Squat Jump/10 USSR K.B. Swing (24/16Kg) – 8 Minute Cap
B- Power Clean- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Double
C- Clean DeadLift– 15 Minutes To A 3RM + 3@95/90% -18 Minute Cap
D- 15/12/9 RFT of: Power Clean (135/95)/HSPU or 15/12/9 RFT of: Power Clean (95/65)/HRPU -10 Minute Cap
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Rock bottomed… I gotta keep those eyes up.
Congrats to Jenessa for writing such a wonderful article about Yoga for CrossFitters!! Check it out. Go girl!!