WOD 3/1/15
5 Minutes of Back/Hip/Shoulder Mobility
A- WU- The Dot Drill (5x’s Each Pattern) + Cory= For Time: 200 Double Unders -5 Minute Cap
or Double Under Practice 5 Minutes -9 Minutes Total
B- Squat- 5@60/4@70/3@80/2@85/1@90% of 1RM (Heavy But No Misses) + Max UB Reps @80% (Tempo: 2/0/X/1) -18 Minute Cap
C- 3 RFT of: 50′ HS Walk/12 Hang Power Clean (135/95)/12 T2B or 3 RFT of: 30 Alternating (15 each) WallFacing Shoulder Taps/12 Hang Power Clean (95/65)/12 Hanging Knee Raises
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Athletes- Remember to put your scores in by Monday 5pm PST. If you don’t put in your scores this will be your last workout, b/c all other scores won’t even count- so you will not see how you stack up in the region and that’s the fun part!!!
A- WU- Cory= For Time: 200 Double Unders * 2:45
B- 3 RFT of: 50′ HS Walk/12 Hang Power Clean (135/95)/12 T2B
* 10:53 RX
C- 10 Each Weighted Pistol (24/16Kg)/21 C2B Pull Up/8 Each Weighted Pistol/15 C2B
Pull Up/6 Each Weighted Pistol/9 C2B Pull Up
* I think under 10 Minutes Scaled Pistols no weight butt to box.
D- Squat- 5@60/4@70/3@80/2@85/1@90% of 1RM (Heavy But No Misses) + Max UB Reps @80% (Tempo: 2/0/X/1)
* 315# x 1
* 255# x 7
E- Row- 2K Starting @ 50% RPE increasing intensity every 200M OR Run 1200M @ 80-100% RPE
* 8:35
B-12:58rxish…falling on hs walk probably skipped a lot of actual distance
C-5# weight on pistols, c2b pull-ups not sure my time but finished last
D- 275×1 then 225×3…I think the pistols affected me not happy there
E- 7:48
Did I see Smanik do 187 ub dus on the whiteboard and finish Cory in sub 2 mins? Wow.
A- WU- Cory= For Time: 200 Double Unders -3:37 PR
B- 3 RFT of: 2 minute HS Walk/12 Hang Power Clean (95)/12 T2B 12:36
C- 10 Each Weighted Pistol (8Kg)/21 C2B Pull Up/8 Each Weighted Pistol/15 C2B Pull Up/6 Each Weighted Pistol/9 C2B Pull Up – 9:29 ( hand ripped, took few seconds to repair) switched to pullups midway
D- Squat- 5@60/4@70/3@80/2@85/1@90% of 1RM (Heavy But No Misses) + Max UB Reps @80% (Tempo: 2/0/X/1) 145 lbs max UB 8
E- Row- 2K Starting @ 50% RPE increasing intensity every 200M OR Run 1200M @ 80-100% RPE: 8:49
A- WU- Cory= For Time: 200 Double Unders -3:42PR
B- 3 RFT of: 30 Shoulder Taps/12 Hang Power Clean (95)/12 T2B 11:02
C- 10 Each Pistol /21 Pull Up/8 Each Pistol/15 Pull Up/6 Each Pistol/9 Pull Up – 7:54
D- Squat- 5@60/4@70/3@80/2@85/1@90% of 1RM (Heavy But No Misses) + Max UB Reps @80% (Tempo: 2/0/X/1), worked off 200#, max UB 15reps
E- Row- 2K Starting @ 50% RPE increasing intensity every 200M OR Run 1200M @ 80-100% RPE: 9:19
PR’d my Cory and my UB DU- 203 UB (And I only stopped b.c I was tired not b/c I tripped up) 1:52
Hell yeah!
11 UB Squats at 170# 80% (could have done more but felt like my back wasn’t right, so I stopped)
3 RFT of: 12 Strict HSPU/12 Hang Power Clean (95)/12 T2B- 7:09
That was amazing Tina! so fast!
Hit up 15.1 today at 4pm with Hal, Jack, & Elle! Thanks for all the support from Marisa, Tina & Marcos!
Pre warm up: 30 Cal Row + Cory = 3:05 rxed
15.1 = 4rounds + 3 reps rxed + 15.1A I was able to get up to 135lbs
I Hit a amazing new PR on my unbroken T2B and I also was able to beat my goal. Not too bad!