WOD 6/9/15
8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Shoulder/Ankle/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- NFT- 40 K.B. DeadLift (24/16Kg or 20/12Kg)/30 USSR K.B. Swing/20 Goblet Squat/10 1 Arm Thruster Each Side/90 Seconds MR Double Unders or 90 Seconds Double Unders Practice
B- 8 Minutes TO WU Ground To Overhead (165/115)/Row + 10 RFT of: 3 G2OH (165/115)/6 Box Jump Over (24/20″)/9 Calorie Row or 8 Minutes TO WU Ground To Overhead (105/75)/Row + 10 RFT of: 9 Calorie Row/3 G2OH (105/75)/6 Box Jump Over (20/18″)
C- Squat- In time remaining establish a 10RM
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
That workout was no joke. 20:15
Nice WODing with you b!
signed up for the Summer Throwdown on July 25th..did you?? Support your box and have fun!!
Let’s defend our house!
Today was a bruiser- had to do my own wod plus I wanted to do Iz’s b/c it looked like fun (I used that term loosely).
Nicole- 20 min amrap
400 m run
UB pullups (was supposed to be strict but did kipping)
6 rounds +90 pullups
10 rounds
10 Hang power clean, 105#..dropped to 95# after 2 rnds b/c i thought I was gonna die)
7 burpees (dropped to 5 after 1 round b.c I thought I was gonna die) did burpees instead of 10 cal assault bike
forgot to rest a minute bwtn each round, so that’s probably why I thought I was gonna die
15:45 (so not Rx)
and then did Iz’s workout- I went to metcon city today and I’m taking a staycation tomorrow!
Yeah Guys, Im with Marcos and Tina!
let’s get as many teams involved as possible, we have people signing up from some neighboring boxes. We need to hold it down , and rep hard! This includes Scaled athletes!
Also, I am putting together a list of Athletes who are looking for a partner.. If you are interested in participating please email me at info@crossfit718.com