WOD 7/10/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Hip/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 200M K.B. Racked Carry (24/16KgX2)/3 K.B. HPC Every 30 Seconds or 200M D.B. Farmer Carry (45/25#x2)/3 D.B. HPC Every 30 Seconds
B- Snatch- 10/9/8/7/6 As heavy as possible; 2 Minutes Rest Between Sets -18 Minute Cap
Notes: Any version of a Snatch is acceptable/choose the version that allows you to move the most amount of weight for each set. These should all be touch and go reps. Go as heavy as possible for each set. If you miss a rep either back the weight down or do the next set a the same weight.
C- 5 Minutes To WU Front Squat to BW/.75 BW/Pull Up + 21/15/9 RFT of: Front Squat (BW/.75BW)/Pull Up or 5 Minutes To WU Front Squat to .75 BW/.50 BW/Ring Row + 21/15/9 RFT of: Front Squat (.75BW/.50BW)/Ring Row
Notes: For Front Squat the bar must start on the ground.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
How about 25% bw?
Or can I just pick someone else’s bw?
Oh man I fusked up these snatches, underestimated how much my grip was going to hurt.
My snatches
10 x 75
9 x 80 (7+2)
8 x 80 (6+2) then I had a FIT!
8 x 55
7 x 80
6 x 85
Sick photo.
This is going to be a very humbling day, I suspect.
A) 200M K.B. Racked Carry (24kg) + 3 K.B. HPC Every 30 Seconds – 1:45ish?
B) Snatch 10/9/8/7/6/4/2 = 40/45/45/48/50/55/60kg
C) Front Squat 3rep – 95kg
D) Weighted Pull Up 1rep – +32kg
E) 21/15/9 RFT of: Front Squat (155)/C2B Pull Up – 10:20
F) 100 Each – Banded Pull Apart + Banded Elbow Extension
Passed on the back & hamstring accessory work, all of that was thoroughly cooked.