Sunday – November 24th – 12pm – 3pm
148 26th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11232
CrossFit718 • Brooklyn Strength & Conditioning LLC. © All Rights Reserved.
Site by Digital Marketing New Jersey
We want to celebrate CrossFit 718’s 9th year Anniversary with some Burpees, Beer & Cheers.
Its our annual team of 3 workout, a super fun user friendly WOD. Come spend time with your CF718 Family. Ask a couple of friends to be on your team, grab a 6 pack and let’s have good time.
Hope you can join us!
14:00 AMRAP – 9 reps each
In teams of 3, each teammate working at the same time. Each partner must remain in the same order through out the duration of the workout.
Score = total reps accumulated by the team.
Don’t want to workout, cant stay long…
No problem, come hang out with us. It’s a Social event.
How Much?
$20 per person
Do I need to create a Team before the event?
Yes, we’d like to you create a Team. Any team goes! MMM/ FFF/ MMF/ FFM
If you need help email Coach Tammy at
Do you have to workout to hangout?
We encourage everyone to jump into the workout. But, you don’t have to participate in order to chill out with your friends.
Register is Closed
Is it Rx or Scaled?
The workout is for everyone, it is also just for fun, but we’ll have scaling options.
You’re welcome to bring a friend!