Sunday, January 26th 11AM – 1PM
148 26th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11232
CrossFit718 • Brooklyn Strength & Conditioning LLC. © All Rights Reserved.
Site by Digital Marketing New Jersey
We decided to try out a New Challenge this season! We wrote a super fun WINTER WOD coming up January 26th. Test your fitness in the cold with friends! For this workout you only need some warm gear and a partner.
There will be a fun, friendly workout done during regular class times that Sunday. There will be some beer in the fridge if anyone wants to hangout after the workout.
There won’t be any winners or swag… This event is just for shits and giggles.
How Much?
Free for members
$25 to Drop in
Do I need to create a Team before the event?
You should find a buddy to WOD with!
But if you can’t email Coach Tammy and she will connect you with some other lonely soul.
This event is for fun, it is not a competition.
Is it Rx or Scaled?
This is for Fun, but yes.. we’ll have Rx & scaling options.