6 Reasons to Register for the In-House Open!
Get excited, because the next CrossFit Games Open (20.1) begins on October 10, 2019!
With participants from around the world, the Open is a truly global event. But here at CrossFit 718, we’ve found a way to bring a little homegrown flair to the biggest fitness competition on the planet. We’re talking about the CrossFit 718 In-House Open, our very own five-week community tournament!
The In-House Open starts with Draft Day on September 29 and ends on November 8 with the final workout and a celebration for all participating athletes. If you’ve competed in the past, you know how rewarding the experience is. But if you’re new to the sport of CrossFit (or just need a little extra motivation), here are a few reasons why you should sign up for the 2020 CrossFit Open!
A supportive community. How often do you get to pursue your goals with a roomful of people literally cheering you on? Yes, the Open workouts are HARD, but you won’t find a more supportive community of athletes.
The Open is for everyone. Just like every WOD at 718, Open workouts are scalable. Everyone, regardless of their level of strength or experience, is welcome to participate.
New friends. It’s not uncommon for a long-time 6 a.m. athlete to never cross paths with a dedicated 6 p.m.-er. The way we structure the In-House open allows you to connect with athletes who typically attend different classes than you do.
Competition=motivation. Been a while since your last PR? The In-House open fosters just the right amount of healthy competition to give you that little boost to run faster, push harder, and lift heavier.
A unique opportunity. In a way, competing in the open is kind of like shooting free throws with Steph Curry or playing in the Major Leagues with Mike Trout. You’re doing the same exact WODs as best CrossFit athletes in the world. You’re sharing the same leaderboard as Mat Fraser and Tia Toomey. How cool is that?
Swag and bragging rights. Not that you need public recognition, but who wouldn’t want their name included on the box’s event banner? Plus, the winning team for each week will receive free Kettlebell Kitchen meals.
Click here for In-House open info, FAQs, and instructions on how to register!