Warm Up:
A2: Air Bike
2 Minutes @ 80%; Rest 30 Seconds
4 Rounds of:
10 Seconds Sprint Hard/
:50 Seconds Easy; Rest 1:15
10 Seconds Sprint Hard/
:50 Seconds Easy; Rest 1:15
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch
1+1 @75-80% EMOM X 10 Minutes
C: Back Squat (12@65/75 + 10@85/90-100%)
5 Minutes WU To 65% of Heaviest set of 8 from 04/04/22 @22X1 + 4 Sets Building slightly @ Tempo; Rest 90 Seconds Between sets
Goal is to squat your 8RM for 10 reps on your last set
21/15/9 RFT of:
D.B. Squat (35/50#X2)/
Burpee Over D.B.