WOD 01/03/18
B: Handstand Walk –
Accumulate Max Distance Handstand Walk or Take 10 Minutes to practice.
C1: Deficit Handstand Push-ups
**Use 4 X 45/25# + an abmat to create the deficit.**
Rest 60 Seconds
Rest 60 Seconds
C2: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (60 Seconds Max Reps C2B Pull Ups)
D: 1K Row For Time
E1: Deficit Handstand Push-ups (60 Seconds Max Reps Deficit HSPU)
**Use 4 X 45/25# + an abmat to create the deficit.**
Rest 60 Seconds
Rest 60 Seconds
E2: Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (60 Seconds Max Reps C2B Pull Ups)
F: 800M Run- For Time; Rest 60 Seconds
G: 60 Seconds Bike Sprint