WOD 01/14/2022
A2: For Quality=
10 PVC Pass Through
10 Ring Rows
10 PVC Overhead Lunges
10 PVC Pass Through
10 Kipping Swings
10 PVC Overhead Lunges
:15 Handstand Hold
3-5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Pike Push Ups
10 air squats
:15 Seconds Handstand Walk Practice/
5 Kipping Pull Ups/
5 Pike Push Up (feet elevated)/
10 air squats
B: Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Against an 8 Minute Clock, build to the deepest deficit double; Rest as needed
**Sub with a Seated DB Press 2 Rep Max @22X1
**Sub with a Seated DB Press 2 Rep Max @22X1
C2: AMRAP In 12:00 of:
12 Kipping Pull Ups
12 HSPU’s
12 Kipping Pull Ups
12 HSPU’s