WOD 01/27/18
A: MB Tic Tac Toe
B: Partner Winter Helen=
3 RFT Each of:
500M Row or Ski (5/3)
21 USA K.B. Swing (24/16Kg)
12 Pull Ups
3 RFT Each of:
500M Row or Ski (5/3)
21 USA K.B. Swing (24/16Kg)
12 Pull Ups
In teams of 2/While Partner A Row or Ski’s 500M, Partner B will Complete 21 KBS/12 Pull Up/When Both partners have finished they can switch/Continue in this fashion until both partners have completed 3 rounds each/Score= total time to complete 6 rounds.
C: Partner WOD 2 (01/27/18)=
3 RFT Each of:
15 OHS (95/65#)/
500M Row or Bike (5/3)
In teams of 2/While Partner A Row or Ski’s (do not use the same machine as B) 500M, Partner B will Complete 15 OHS/When Both partners have finished they can switch/Continue in this fashion until both partners have completed 3 rounds each/Score= total time to complete 6 rounds.
D: Against a 6 Minute Clock:
Run 800M
Max Ab Mat Sit Ups In Time Remaining
Run 800M
Max Ab Mat Sit Ups In Time Remaining