WOD 02/01/2022
A2: 3 RFQ of:
:40 Seconds Ski Calories (8/5)
:20 Seconds Max Reps Jumping Jacks
5 Active Kipping Swings
5 Wall Squat @3321
:40 Seconds Ski Calories (8/5)
:20 Seconds Max Reps Jumping Jacks
5 Active Kipping Swings
5 Wall Squat @3321
B: For Quality-
25 Each Alternating Strict Single Leg Toe To Bar
25 Each Alternating Strict Single Leg Toe To Bar
2-3 Minutes WU
C1: For Quality=
10 WB Front Squats (20/14#)
5 Down Ups
10 Push Press WallBall
5 Down Ups
10 WallBall
5 Down Ups
10 WB Front Squats (20/14#)
5 Down Ups
10 Push Press WallBall
5 Down Ups
10 WallBall
5 Down Ups
C2: For Quality=
30 Seconds Each of:
Scap Pull Ups
Kipping Swings
2 Kipping Swings + 1 Pull Up
2 Kipping Swings + 1 Pull Up + 2 Kipping Swings/
Multiple Pull Ups
30 Seconds Each of:
Scap Pull Ups
Kipping Swings
2 Kipping Swings + 1 Pull Up
2 Kipping Swings + 1 Pull Up + 2 Kipping Swings/
Multiple Pull Ups
C3: 2 Rounds of:
:20 Seconds Max Reps WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′);
10 Seconds Rest
:20 Seconds Max Pull Ups;
10 Seconds Rest
:20 Seconds Max Reps WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′);
10 Seconds Rest
:20 Seconds Max Pull Ups;
10 Seconds Rest
C4: 50/35/20 RFT of:
Wall Balls (20#-10’/14#-9′)
Pull Ups
Wall Balls (20#-10’/14#-9′)
Pull Ups