WOD 02/14/20
14 Minute AMRAP of:
14 Burpees Over Partner
14 Partner WallBall (rainbow)
14 Partner M.B. Sit Up
5 Front Squat
5 T2B (95/65#)
100M Row Sprint
21 Double Unders
In teams of 2/with both partners working at the same time/from 0-5 minutes partner A will perform 5 fs, while partner B completes 5 T2B. When both partners have completed 5 reps of each exercise they will count that as a round and continue to accumulate as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes. From 5-10 Minutes Partner A will complete 21 double unders while Partner B Ski sprints 100m. When B finishes they switch. When A completes 100m they will count that as a round and continue to accumulate as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes.