WOD 02/20/20
A2: 3 RFQ of:
60 Seconds Air Bike Calories
5 Goblet Squat @32X1
5 K.B. BTN Good Morning @2121
10 USSR K.B. Swing
60 Seconds Air Bike Calories
5 Goblet Squat @32X1
5 K.B. BTN Good Morning @2121
10 USSR K.B. Swing
B: Back Squat (3@60% + 3@ 70% + 3@80% + 3/3/3 @95%)
C1: RFESS aka split squat aka bulgarian (6/6/6/6)
C2: Glute Ham Curl (GHC) (4 Sets of 8-15 Reps)
C3: Sled Push (4 Rounds of 30′ )
D: 3 RFT of:
15/12 Calorie Air Bike/
12 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′)/
10 T2B