WOD 02/20/2022
A2: For Quality=
30 Jumping Jacks
10 BentOver Rows (35/45 lb)
30 Lateral Hops Over Bar
10 Ring Row
20 Down Ups Over The Bar
10 Jumping Pull Ups
20 Double Leg Mountain Climbers
5-10 Pull Ups
B1: For Quality-
5 Muscle Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Thruster
5 Muscle Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Thruster
B2: Squat Clean Thruster (7 Minutes To A Challenging Single)
C1: 3 Rounds of:
4 Thruster
3 Pull Ups
4 Thruster
3 Pull Ups
C2: For reps:
:60 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters (65/95 lb)/
:60 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups
:45 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters/
:45 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups
:30 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters/
:30 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups
:60 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters (65/95 lb)/
:60 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups
:45 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters/
:45 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups
:30 Seconds Max Reps Thrusters/
:30 Seconds Max Reps Pull Ups