WOD 02/03/16
8 Minutes of Hip Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- 3 Rounds of 30 Seconds Each:
Double Unders (Practice)
Burpees + Crab Walk Forward + Accumulate 20-30 Seconds in a German Hang
B- EMOM for 20 Minutes:
Even- 3 Ring Muscle Ups (or 3 C2B Pull Up + 3 Strict Dip or 3 Kipping Pull Up + 3 Kipping Dip)
Odd- 18/14 Calorie Row
C- Front Squat- 15 Minutes To A 5 RM + 3/3 @ 80% (Tempo: 2/10/X/1-2)
This, is the best.
If there’s one thing I can guarantee about the Open, there will be Muscle Ups. Most likely, Ring Muscle Ups.
Now, before anyone who doesn’t yet have Muscle Ups or struggles with them starts to feel discouraged, a few things to note:
1) The Muscle Up is a technical movement. Which is to say, it requires a lot of technique to do well. And regardless of how it looks in execution, everyone you see doing them at 718 is trying VERY HARD to get over those rings, I guarantee it.
2) The spread between 0-1 Muscle Up is MUCH wider than the spread between 2-20 Muscle Ups in RX Open standings. So, if you are able to do 1 Muscle Up, you will improve your overall standing in the Open SIGNIFICANTLY. Whether or not your eventual goal is the Games, we all like to do well, and this is a big way to improve your overall score in the RX division.
3) There is also a Scaled Division, which is very competitive and very challenging in its own right. Muscle Ups will likely not show up in this division soon, but you can bet a challenging variation will replace them (chest to bar…)
So anyway, looking forward to seeing everyone tonight! Those drills and progressions make the difference.
Thanks Dave! I wont get discouraged today.
I will channel my inner Smanik when im on the rings!