WOD 02/04/16
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of:
1 WallWalk
8 Ring Row
10 K2E
12 Each Walking Lunges
B- Descending Ladder 50,40,30,20,10 RFT of:
USA K.B. Swing (24/16Kg)
C- 3 RFT of:
25 Each Leg Double K.B. Front Racked Step Up (20/12KgX2)
75 Double Unders
8 Minutes of Calves/Hip/Back Mobility
A- WU- Tabata- Double Unders
B- For Time:
20 Calorie Row (Damper 10/8)
30 Box Jump Over (20/18″)
30 Ball Slam (20/15#)
15 Calorie Row
20 Box Jump Over
20 Ball Slam
10 Calorie Row
10 Box Jump Over
10 Ball Slam
*C- 9 Minute AMRAP of:
30 Ab Mat Sit Up/ 30 Seconds Each Side Plank
Caption open to all….
Sam: I can get one more muscle up, I know it!
Sean: Ok hold on babe. Let me just pop your shoulder back in again.
Sean: you are not allowed to shake the baby, no matter how much she frustrates you 🙂