WOD 02/10/18
Have fun :).
In teams of 3/50′ Race= 25′ down, 25′ back
In teams of 3/50′ Race= 25′ down, 25′ back
B: 2K Partner Ski
In Teams of 2/With only 1 partner working at a time/Partition as needed.
In Teams of 2/With only 1 partner working at a time/Partition as needed.
C: Partner WOD 2
For Time:
70 Calorie Row
70 Goblet Squats (24/20Kg)
70 T2B
70 Burpees
For Time:
70 Calorie Row
70 Goblet Squats (24/20Kg)
70 T2B
70 Burpees
D: Partner WOD 3
5 RFT of:
12 Each Alternating K.B. Step Ups (24/20″ Box/16/12KgX2)/
12/10 Calorie Air Bike
5 RFT of:
12 Each Alternating K.B. Step Ups (24/20″ Box/16/12KgX2)/
12/10 Calorie Air Bike
In teams of 2/Partners will alternate movements, accumulating 5 rounds each/Score= total time to complete 5 rounds each.