Warm Up:
50′ Each of:
Bear Crawl
Walking Lunge
Down Up + Broad Jump
Crab Walk
Reverse (backward) Bear Crawl
Reverse Crab Walk
Side Shuffle
BackPedal ( run backward)
5 Each Alternating Prone Scorpions @2222
10 Push Up To Down Dog/
10 Scap Push Up
10 Scap Pull Up
Weighted Pull Ups:
:20 Seconds Hollow Body Hold
5 Ring Rows @31X3
2 X’s :10 Seconds Chin Over Bar Hang
2 Pull Up Negatives @31A1
1-5 Strict Pull Up
Record Heaviest Triple @ Tempo. If you peak before the fifth set, back down 15% and continue sets across @ Tempos for any remaining sets
– 12 Minute Time Cap
:20 Seconds Max Reps Ring Dips;
:10 Seconds Rest
For Ring Dip Scale to Bars (Matador), Band Assisted, Leg Assisted, Dip Negatives, Box Dips or Push Ups in descending order of preference.