WOD ArchiveWOD 03/30/18 A2: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) 3 RFQ of: 14/12 Calorie Ski (8/5)/ 1 Kick Up To Handstand/ 5 Each Handstand Shoulder Tap/ 1 Handstand Negative @5 Seconds Down/ 10 Ring Row @2121/ 10 Seconds Dip Support Hold Kick Up To Handstand + Shoulder Taps= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnWA8pCmywo Handstand Negative= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq0Ycz6iOCs B: Shoulder Press (12 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 12 Reps) 12 Minutes Build to a heavy set of 12 reps @21X1; Rest as needed Build in sets of 4-6 Reps. When you get to a set where it feels moderately heavy, make that your first set of 12 reps. C: Weighted Pull-ups (10 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 8 Reps) 10 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 8 Reps @20X1; Rest as needed Please go unweighted if you are still working on your pull ups. D: Ring Dips (4 Rounds of Max UB) 4 Sets of Max UB @20X1; 60-120 Seconds Rest between sets E: Karen (Time) For Time: 150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# 3-5 Minutes WU + @85% Somewhat Hard Pace (Not Sustainable) https://crossfit718.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/031118_MD_CF718_SM18_1866.jpg 647 1000 Tammyli https://crossfit718.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/crossfit718-logo-dk.png Tammyli2018-03-29 20:00:382018-03-25 14:49:50WOD 03/30/18