Warm Up:
A2: Air Bike- 90 Seconds @90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable); Rest 3 Minutes
A3: Complete as many rounds For Quality as possible in 6 Minutes of:
3 Scap Pull Up @2121/
3 Kipping Swing @1010/
3 Kipping Pull Up @20X1/
1-3 Each Alternating Hanging Hip Tap @10X1/
1 WallWalk @Controlled/
5 Each Alternating Wall Facing Handstand Hip Taps @11X1/
1 Handstand Negative @ 5 Seconds Down
B: Strict Pull-ups (1 X 80/70/60%)
4-7 Minutes WU To 80% of best set from 04/05/22 @20X1 + 3 Sets
If you did Half Murph on Sunday, scale or modify as needed. These sets do not have to be unbroken.
Handstand Push-ups (1 X 80 + 2 X 70%)
D1: Bench Press –
6-7 Minutes WU To 75% of Heaviest from 04/05/22 @21X1 + 12 @75/80/85%
Superset with D2
D2: Pendlay Row
6-7 Minutes WU To 75% of Heaviest from 04/05/22 @21X2 + 15 @75% + 12
8 D.B. Z Press @21X2; 30 Seconds Rest /
12 Each D.B. Torso Row @21X2 ; 30 Seconds Rest/
8 Weighted Dip @21X1; 30 Seconds Rest/
6 Each D.B. Single Arm High Pull @21X2; 30 Seconds Rest
12 Each D.B. Torso Row @21X2 ; 30 Seconds Rest/
8 Weighted Dip @21X1; 30 Seconds Rest/
6 Each D.B. Single Arm High Pull @21X2; 30 Seconds Rest