Warm Up:
2 RFQ of:
:45 Seconds Max Reps (practice) Double Unders/
3-5 Kipping HSPU/
5 Handstand Scap Push Up/
20 Seconds Handstand Hold/
1 HSPU Negative (5 seconds down)/
5 Scap Pull Up/
5 Kipping Swing/
3-5 Strict Pull Up/
20 Seconds Passive Hang
B1: Shoulder Press
7 Minutes WU To 75% of Heaviest set of 8 from 04/09/22 @31X2 + 12 @75/80/85%; 60-90 Seconds Before B2
Superset with B2
B2: Weighted Pull-ups
5 Minutes WU To 70% of heaviest set of 8 from 03/08/22 @ 21X2 + 3 Sets building slightly from 65-80% @ Tempo; Rest 60-90 Seconds before B1
Superset with B1
These do not necessarily have to be unbroken.
C: Ring Dips
6 Minutes WU To 80% of best set from 04/09/22 @20X1 + 1 @80 + 2 @70% +
For Time:
25 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch (35/50#)/
20 Each Alternating D.B. Hang Power Clean + Jerk/
30 Calorie Ski (5/8)/
10 Each SA D.B. Thruster