Warm Up:
2 Rounds of:
10 Calorie Ski (2/4)/
10 Each Alternating Stationary Lunge/
10 Air Squat/
5 Each Jumping Lunge
B: Front Squat (1 EMOM 10 Building )
C: Back Squat (10 @60/70/80%)
% of 12 RM
For Quality:
50M Death March (HBDX2)/
350M Farmers Carry/
500M Row (2/4)/
500M Ski (2/4)
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining
**Caution: Do not go too heavy, pick a manageable weight. When in doubt, error on the side of light!
3 Minutes WU + @70-80% Sustainable Pace; Rest as needed
50M= Approximately from the start line to the near corner of 27th street (in front of Momma Tried/before you cross the street).“`