WOD 05/04/17
A1: Ready To Run Series
Complete as much as possible before class.
VIDEO 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyh5Z…
VIDEO 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOJPK…
VIDEO 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4t9O…
VIDEO 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWv5B…
VIDEO 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvZnj…
A2: 800M Run For Time
A3: 2 Rounds of: 100M Run
@50-80% Sustainable Pace; 30 Seconds Stretch/Walk between rounds.
Use A2 to prepare for B. The idea is to warm up the body sufficiently to avoid injury during the 100M Sprints.
B: 3 Rounds of:
100M Sprint; 30 Seconds Walk/Jog +
400M Farmer Carry/10 Double K.B. Swing (24/16KgX2)
Complete 3 Rounds of 100M Sprint @90-100% Very Hard Pace; as soon as you have walked/jogged back to the box grab a pair of K.B.’s and complete a 400M Farmer Carry + 10 Double K.B. Swings. Upon completion of 10 Swings, immediately sprint 100M, repeating the sprint and carry/swing for 3 total rounds each.
C1: Close grip bench press – 12 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 10 Reps
T@20X1 + 10/10 @90%; Rest 60 Seconds Before C2; Superset with C2.
C2: Pendlay Row – 12 Mintues To A Heavy Set of 10 Reps
T@20X1 + 10/10 @90%; Rest 60 Seconds Before C1.