WOD 05/20/17
A: Partner WOD
150 Calorie Bike For Time
In Teams of 3-5/only 1 partner working at a time/partition as needed/Score= Time for 150 Calories.
-8 Minute Cap
B: Partner WOD 2-
For Time:
2k Row (5/3)
80 Single Arm K.B. Thruster (20/12Kg)
100 USA K.B. Swings
1500M Row
60 Single Arm K.B. Thruster
75 USA K.B. Swings
1K Row
40 Single Arm K.B. Thruster
50 USA K.B. Swings
In teams of 2/only 1 partner working at a time/partition as needed/partners will switch every 60 seconds/Score= Total time.
C: Partner WOD 3
Half Mile Front Racked Carry (HBD)
In teams of 2/ only 1 partner working at a time/Partition as needed/Score= total time for team to complete 800M (400M down and back).