WOD 08/09/2022
90 Second AMRAP of:
5 Thruster (45/35#)/
15 Double Unders
5 Thruster (45/35#)/
15 Double Unders
@80% Sustainable Pace; Rest 90 Seconds
B1: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
2 RFQ of:
20 Banded Row/
10 Strict Press/ (PVC/15/35/45#)/
15 UB WallBall (HBD-9/10′)
20 Banded Row/
10 Strict Press/ (PVC/15/35/45#)/
15 UB WallBall (HBD-9/10′)
B2: Pause Clean + Pause Jerk (5X5 Building)
Pause Clean (2 second @ Knee) + Pause Jerk (2 second in dip/2 second in Split/2 second in finish position)
C: Muscle-ups (5 X 40%)
3-5 Minutes WU To 40% of Best Set from 08/02/22
5 Rounds of:
200M Row (3/5)/
RMU 40%; Walk/Stretch/Rest 90 Seconds
5 Rounds of:
200M Row (3/5)/
RMU 40%; Walk/Stretch/Rest 90 Seconds
If as of yet unable to RMU, please scale to Muscle Up and Down.
D1: Shoulder Press (5X5 @60-70%)
Superset with D2
D2: Rope Climb (5 Sets of: 1 Advanded Rope Climb )
Advanced= Advanced for you; modified->assisted->Partial ROM->full ROM Unassisted->legless->Straddle->Inverted->Weighted etc
3 Minute AMRAP of:
10 HRPU/
15 Ab-Mat Sit Up/
20 Jumping Squat (45/35#)
10 HRPU/
15 Ab-Mat Sit Up/
20 Jumping Squat (45/35#)