WOD 08/14/18
A2: 400M Run (Time)
A3: 5 Rounds of:
10 Seconds Max Reps BallSlam (20/15#)
30′ Sprint
10 Seconds Max Reps BallSlam (20/15#)
30′ Sprint
B1: Single Arm Push Press (8/8/8/8)
Superset with B2
B2: Weighted Pull-ups (3/3/3/3)
C: Bench Press (12 Minutes Build to a Heavy Triple + 3 @90%)
12 Minutes build to a challenging set of 3 reps @21X2 + 3 @90%; Rest 60-90 Seconds between sets
D1: Muscle-ups (5 Sets of 50%)
Superset with D2
D2: Deficit Handstand Push-ups (5 Sets of 50%)