WOD 08/16/2022
A2: 800M Run (Time)
@80% Sustainable Pace; Rest 3 Minutes
B: Clean (5 EMOM X 6)
Do not sacrifice speed or technique. Lower the intensity slightly if you start to fall apart.
C1: Front Squat (5/5/5/5/5)
Superset with C2
C2: Back Squat (5/5/5/5/5)
4 RFQ of:
6-8 Each Double K.B. Front Racked RFESS @2111; Rest 45 Seconds/
8 K.B. Z-Press @2121; Rest 45 Seconds/
8 Each K.B. Single Leg RDL @3030; Rest 45 Seconds/
Max UB Handstand Walk or 45 Seconds Practice; 45 Seconds Rest
*Complete as much as possible in any time remaining