WOD 08/07/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder/Forearm Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- 5 Minute AMRAP @50% RPE of:
200M Run or Row (Damper 4/2)
5 Each D.B. Snatch (45/25# or HBD)
5 Ring Row @80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace
B- Power Snatch (mid-thigh) + Snatch- 6 Minutes To WU +
1 Each @70-75% EMOM For 8 Minutes
C- Chest To Bar Pull Up- 6-12 Reps @21X1
UB EMOM For 6 Minutes or 3-5 Each EMOM Partner Assisted
Notes: Base the # of Pull Ups on ability and how your feeling today. For example if you trained on 08/03 and 08/05 maybe do 6 reps, if you only did one of those dates then do 8-10 reps and if you missed both then shoot for 12 reps.
D- 3 Rounds of:
50 Calorie Bike or Row (Damper 8/5) @80-90% Sustainable Pace;
Rest as needed between rounds.
*E- 3 RNFT of:
FLR on Rings 12 Breaths (birthday candles)
Tuck Front Lever Hold (tuck hang) Max UB Time Under Tension
Sorensen Hold Max UB Time Under Tension
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
If we get 25 people to video tape their 50 calorie bike we can enter for a chance to win a new assault bike
– who is Down?
Im in
A) 50cal Air Bike then 2RNFT of : 6ea BTN Snatch Grip Press/OHS/Snatch Balance/Panda Pull/HPSn
B) Power Snatch 25 @ 115 = 3:00
C) Muscle Ups 30 for time = 27 in 10 minutes, 30 in 11:30ish
D) Sled Push 5x50m @ 145lbs
E) 2rds of : FLR on Rings/Tuck Front Lever/Sorenson Hold