WOD 09/21/2022
Against A 2 Minute Clock:
100M Row Sprint (3/5)/
Max Burpees Over Erg In Time Remaining
100M Row Sprint (3/5)/
Max Burpees Over Erg In Time Remaining
3 Minutes WU + @85% Somewhat Hard Pace (not sustainable); Rest 3 Minutes Before B
7 Minutes Warm Up:
Rope Climb/
Push Press To 80% of heaviest from 08/04/22
Rope Climb/
Push Press To 80% of heaviest from 08/04/22
Build to B2 pace on your own; Rest as needed
B2: Push Press (3 @80% (+1RC) Every 120 Seconds X 6 Rounds)
**From The Rack**
C: Weighted Dip (4/4/4/4/4 @80%)
Max or sets accross
For Time:
36 USSR K.B. Swing (16/24Kg)/
200M Row (3/5)/
800M Jog/
200M Row/
36 USSR K.B. Swing
36 USSR K.B. Swing (16/24Kg)/
200M Row (3/5)/
800M Jog/
200M Row/
36 USSR K.B. Swing