WOD 09/24/2022
3 Rounds of-
60 Seconds Max Reps Each of:
Alternating D.B. Power Snatch (35/50#)/
Goblet Squat/
WallBall (14#-9’/20#-10′)
@90% Hardest Sustainable Pace
In teams of 2/partner A will complete max reps d.b. snatch/Once A has completed 60 seconds, partner B will complete 60 seconds, while A rest/When partner B has completed 60 seconds, partner A will complete max burpees, while B rest/continue until both partners have completed 3 rounds of each movement in the same fashion/score= total # of reps completed.
For Time:
800M Run/
60 K2E/
100 Alternating Jumping Lunges/
50 K2E/
80 Alternating Jumping Lunges/
40 K2E/
60 Jumping Lunges/
800M Run