WOD 10/06/17
A2: 2 RFQ of:
12 Each Banded Face Pull/
12 Seated Banded Row/
12 Supine Banded Pull Apart
A3:30 Seconds Max Thruster (75/45#)/
30 Seconds Max Calorie Row (8/5)
B: Clean + 2 Jerk (1 + 2 X 9 @60%)
5-7 Minutes WU To 60% of Heavy Triple from 09/29/17 + 1+2 @60% X 9 Sets; Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets
C: Shoulder Press (3 @60% EMOM X 9)
3-5 Minutes WU To 60% of Heavy Triple from 08/29/17 + 3 @2121 EMOM X 9 Minutes
D: 30 Seconds Max Thruster (75/45#)/
30 Seconds Max Calorie Row (8/5)
3 Minutes To WU + @90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable); Rest 3-9 Minutes
Compare To A3.
E: Front Squat (30 Reps @60%)
5 Minutes WU To 60% of Heavy Triple from 09/29/17 + 30 Reps in as few sets with as little rest as possible @22X1.
*F: 30 Seconds Max Thruster (75/45#)/
30 Seconds Max Calorie Row (8/5)
3 Minutes To WU + @90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable)