WOD 10/07/16
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- 3 RNFT of:
10 Each Banded Dead Bug (shoes off)
10 Each Banded Glute Bridge
10 Calorie Air Bike @80% RPE
B- Squat- 8@50% + 6/6/6 @65% of Heavy Single
From 09/19/16 @41X1; 90 Seconds Rest
C- EMOM For 20 Minutes-
Minute 1: 1-5 (ideal: 3 reps) Strict Ring Muscle Up (3 MUAD {muscle up and down} or 3 Strict False Grip Chest To Rings Pull Up)
Minute 2: 2-6 (4) Strict HSPU (90* Degree Pike Push Up or Pike Push Up)
Minute 3: 5-10 (5) Each Pistol Alternating (Band Assisted or Sit To Stand)
Minute 4: 5-10 (6) OHS (95/65)
718 Strength
A – Warm-up with an empty bar
3 rds
8 reps each
front squat
lunge (4 each leg)
back squat
B – Back Rack Bulgarian Split Squat (3×10 reps across)
Tempo 21X1; use 5 more pounds than last time; 15 min cap
C – Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (3×15 Building)
Tempo 21X1; increasing loads each time
rest 1:00 between arms; 15 min cap
D – Good Mornings (3×12 reps across @33% of 10RM Sumo deadlift)
Tempo 20X1
This photo is SO GOOD.
A) 3 RNFT of : 10 Each Banded Dead Bug (shoes off)/10 Each Banded Glute Bridge/10 Calorie Air Bike
B) Squat – 8@155 + 3×6 @200lbs (41X1)
C) EMOM For 20 Minutes :
Minute 1: 1 Peg Board Ascent
Minute 2: 5 Each Pistol Alternating (some w/ 12kg KB, some without)
Minute 3: 6 OHS (135)
Minute 4: 3 Deficit HSPU (45lbs plates)
Kept it comfortable, big weekend of learning to prepare for.