WOD 10/10/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- NFT-
400M Jog @50-80% RPE
A2- 3 RNFT of: 10 Banded DeadBug (shoes off)
5 Each Alternating K.B. Bent Over Row (HBD)
5 Each Alternating Legs K.B. Goblet Lunges
B1- Squat- 4@50% + 8/8/8 @60%
of Heavy Single From 09/19/16 @31X1; 90-180 Seconds Rest Between Sets
B2- Weighted Pull Up- 4@90% + 3/3/3@95%
of Heavy Set of 5 From 09/28/16 @21X2; 90 Seconds Rest -18 Minute Cap
Notes: Perform B1 and B2 as a superset.
C- Jerry= For Time:
1 Mile Run
2K Row
1 Mile Run @90% Hard But Sustainable Pace
US Army Sgt. Maj. Jerry D. Patton
718 Strength
A – Warm-up
3 rds
10 each arm push up shoulder taps
5 yoga push up
10 pvc pass through
5 ring rows
10 band pull apart
B – Bench Press (1RM)
take 18 minutes for a 1RM
Tempo 11X1; make sure you have a spotter
C – 1 Arm KB March (3x60M)
This is a Farmers walk with 5 single arm swings every 10 Meters
The meters are marked by a black line
As heavy as you can without putting the KB down; Must be UB
rest 30 between arms; 1 minute between sets; 10M equals 1 rep; increasing each time
D – EMOMx10 Min
in the same minute:
10 sit ups
plank in the time remaining
For those of you who still check the blog…
Today we have a very cardio based WOD. The work out “Jerry” is what I like to call a “book end” work out meaning it starts and ends with the same exercise (think “Murph” for example)
Like “Murph”, today’s WOD begins and ends with a mile run. In between those 2 runs we have a 2k Row. It’s very easy to take out fast that first mile and sand bag the row as a “recovery” and just try to finish the work out. But today try to use that first run as a buy in / warm up keeping in mind that we still have another mile at the end. The goal here is to be able to finish the first run and approach the rower with out feeling gassed and be able to keep your composure. Once on the rower good technique would be very wise to carry you through the next portion with enough to attack the final mile.
On the rower, keep a rigid back while driving through your heels extending your legs.
Once your legs are fully extended, slightly lean your torso back. (Think about how far your seat on an airplane leans back… Not that much, right?). After the lean, pull the handle to the bottom of your sternum. Return in the opposite fashion.
Keep a steady pace for you to sustain. Once the row is complete we now have our final mile. If the first 2 parts were executed correctly we should be able to mimic our first mile pace. For those of you with a strong run, you should be able to have something left in the tank to finish strong (maybe even faster than your first mile)
I hope this helps with today’s WOD. Attached is a link to a video to help with your rowing technique:
Get after it and have fun!
MARCOS!! Thank you!
A1) 3min Assault Bike
A2) 2 RNFT of : 10 Banded DeadBug/5 Each Alternating K.B. Bent Over Row (20kg)
/5 Each Alternating Legs K.B. Goblet Lunges
B1) Squat 4@155 + 3×8 @185
B2) Weighted Pull Up 4@63lbs + 3×3@68lbs
C) 21-15-9 RFT of : Assault Bike Cal/Row Cal (Damper 8) = 5:30 (AEROBIC!)
D) TEAM Sled Push @ 170lbs – Pushed roughly 150M of 600M
E1) 10×3 KB Single Leg RDL (4@20kg then 6@24kg)
E2) 10×3 KB Bulgarian Split Squat (4@20kg x2 then 6@24kg x2)
Fun day. The focus on getting bigger and stronger begins!