WOD 11/04/18
A2:6 Minute AMRAP of:
12/10 Calorie Ski (8/5)
1 WallWalk
5/3 Chin Up
12/10 Calorie Ski (8/5)
1 WallWalk
5/3 Chin Up
B: Behind The Neck Jerk (5 Sets of 5 Reps @70%)
**From The Rack
C1: Deficit Handstand Push-ups (3/3/3/3)
4 Sets of 3 @21X1 increasing depth until you hit a sticking point. When you do, go back to last successful depth and complete all remaining reps at that depth; Rest 30 Seconds before C2
Superset with C2
C2: Rope Climb (1/1/1/1)
4 Sets of 1 Legless Rope Climb to 15/12′ Rest 30 Seconds before C1
D: 4 Rounds of:
12 D.B. Bench Press @21X2; Rest 30 Seconds
15 D.B. Chest Supported Row @21X2; Rest 30 Seconds
5-10 Strict Ring Dip @32X1; Rest 30 Seconds
5-10 Strict Chin Up @21X1; Rest 30 Seconds
12 D.B. Bench Press @21X2; Rest 30 Seconds
15 D.B. Chest Supported Row @21X2; Rest 30 Seconds
5-10 Strict Ring Dip @32X1; Rest 30 Seconds
5-10 Strict Chin Up @21X1; Rest 30 Seconds