WOD 1/13/14
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder/Back/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- Dot Drill (5 Times each pattern) + 3 Attempts at Max Reps UB Double Unders or Double Unders Practice; rest as needed between attempts -6 Minute Cap
B- 5 Rounds of: 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups/3-5 HSPU/10 GHD Sit Up or 10 Banded Muscle Up/10 HRPU/10 Ab Mat Sit Up; 90 Seconds Rest -18 Minute Cap
C- Power Clean- Find your 10 Rep Max In 15 Minutes
D- 8 Minute AMRAP of: 15 Box Jump (20/24″)/10 K.B. Goblet Squat (24/16KG)/5 Calorie Row or 8 Minute AMRAP of: 10 Box Jump (18/20″)/10 Goblet Squat (20/12Kg)/10 K.B. High Pull (20/12Kg)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Ah ha so the thieves have been breaking in through the roof
Lol* I was wondering how they were getting in.
Oh my goodness Tina is trying to kill me 😉
Warm up: 3 Min Du practicce
Thruster 3/3/3/3/3/3 @ 65/85/95/105/115/120PR
21/15/9 – Thruster/Front Squat/ Wall bal/ – 7:57Rx @ 65/14lbs
Happy with my performance today – I also promised myself that I will be eating sets of 50 Du’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner until the Flex in the City Comp!!!!!
Just so everyone knows I’m not trying to kill you- I’m just trying to make the badass in you come out! You really made me push today- I loved that. And working out to the sounds of our grunts- priceless!
Thruster- 3RM 65/85/95/105/115/120/125/130 for 2 (failed on 3rd attempt)
21/15/9- Thruster/Front Squat/Wall Ball 7:36 Rx 65/14 lbs