WOD 1/14/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Ankle/Wrist Mobility
A- WU- 2 Minute Row @ 50-85% RPE + 2 RNFT of: 15 WallBall (20/14#-10′)/15 Ring Row -6 Minute Cap
B- Thruster- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Single
C- 2014 Open Sectionals WOD 14.5= 21/18/15/12/9/6/3 RFT of: Thruster (95/65)/Bar Facing Burpees or 18/16/14/12/10/8/6 RFT of: D.B. Thruster (25/15×2)/Burpee -21 Minute Cap
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
I’ll admit this is the first time I looked at the WOD and seriously thought, “maybe I’ll skip this day”.
See you all at 6:00pm.
Was as expected.
Still proud of my PR, and of the killer performances put on by everyone else who took this challenge today.
this workout is daunting at any hour, let alone 6 am…shout out to everyone who braved the elements, 84 thrusters and 84 burpees (over the bar)
Ernie, way to kept a brother on his toes
Steph, great work, especially for your first time attacking this bear of a workout
D, without the added motivation, 14.5 swallows us all whole, so good looks
Hashtag gladthatsdonewishIdidnthavetogotowork
Anyone else in the morning class having trouble putting sentences together at work? Feel like I took a right hook to the jaw
Hey afternoon peeps. If anyone can do me a favor and tell me what I wrote on the white board’s upper right hand corner.
I know there’s a 355+80, 275 all UB dl+du
I can’t remember the last one. Thanks.
6 am is extra hard because the box is still ice cold at that time. Chelsea destroyed it. Nice work to all of you.
1. Deadlift plus 80lb chains 2RM
355 bar weight -435lbs total at top
2. EMOM x8
7 deadlifts @275(65%)
60 double unders
All UB
3. Mid-Line Conditioning
For time:
Double Russian KBS, 1.5-pood/1-pood (KB in each hand, rep ends with arms above parallel to the ground).
Hip Extension
Sorry Dariel, I meant to write that down for you… 10:25ish maybe ?!
I did a little something – barley could move.
Warm up – 3 min EMOm of 50 DU
Hang Snatch heavy singles – 35k/38k/40/43/45/48f
2 rds of MU progressions.
Marcos got it for me. Thanks
Oh Shit Sam! What a PR!!!!!