WOD 1/5/14
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Hip/Back/Ankle Mobility
A- 2 RNFT of: 1 Minute Max Reps Double Unders/5 Each Walking Lunge/10 Push Up/10 Ring Row or 2 RNFT of: 1 Minute Practice Double Unders/5 each Walking Lunge/5 Push Up/5 Ring Row -6 Minute Cap
B- 5 Minutes To WU Thruster (95/65)/ C2B + 10 Rounds of EMOM: Odd: 6 Thruster (95/65); Even: 6 C2B or 10 Rounds of EMOM: Odd: 6 Thruster (75/45); Even: 6 Ring Row -25 Minute Cap
Notes: Begin with Thruster/Complete 10 Rounds each.
C- Axle Pendlay Row- 10 Rep Max -10 Minute Cap
*D- Front Squat- Accumulate 3 Minutes in a perfect bottom position (95/65)
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
The Admiral
3 RFT of
20 burpee pull up (bar should be 6″ above reach)
20 front squat 155
20 box jump 24″
17:40 (rough)
Must have killed the legs
A) 3RNFT of : 7 chin ups / 14 ASQ / 500M Row
B) Power Snatch 1rep (60kg) 3×1 @ 95% (58kg) 3×1 @ 90% (55kg)
C) Snatch Pull 3×3 @ 64kg & 60kg
D) 11 min clock : 30 burpee then 3rds 400M Run / 20 GHD Back Ext / 15 T2B – 2rds+300ish
E) ankle/hip mobility and some handstand practice