WOD 1/4/15
8 Minutes of Ankle/Hip/Shoulder Mobility
A- WU- 200M Run @ 70% RPE + 5 Rounds of: 100 Yard Dash; 1 Minute Rest Between Rounds – 15 Minute Cap
B- DeadLift- 8 Minutes WU to 90% of 3RM from 12/12/14 + 2 Every 45 Sec @ 90% of 3RM for 12 Rounds (approximately 9 minutes) – 18 Minute Cap
C- Bench Press- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 5
D- 4 Minutes Max Reps: Strict Pull Up or Ring Row
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
I was contemplating sleeping in and watching football but this picture inspired me to wake up in time for the noon class and pull/push some heavy weight
Hello Sunday!!!
Don’t have double unders ? or want some triples sign up for the Rx jumpropeology clinic
Getting back into gear, came in for a little wod at 11
Warm up – max reps DU in 3 min – 131, I think my pants were too baggy
20 min AMrAp of 500m row for Cal/ Max UB pull ups – 31/11 28/9 25/9 28/10 26/12
I was planning on some Light snatches and some heavy OHS but omg I haven’t been so sick after a wod in years. G’s I was reminded of how lazy I have been for the past few days…
Ready to get my but in gear.
Hey look! It’s me!
Rest day.