WOD 12/21/2021
A2: Partner Warm Up=
Against an 8 Minute Clock- Max Distance:
30 Seconds Each Alternating of:
Ski, Row or Bike Distance
Run (100M) Alternating
Against an 8 Minute Clock- Max Distance:
30 Seconds Each Alternating of:
Ski, Row or Bike Distance
Run (100M) Alternating
Against an 8 Minute Clock/ In teams of 2/ Only 1 Partner Working at a time/Either alternate every 30 Seconds for bike,ski,row or alternate every 100m if running
B1: Push Press Progression
Push Press Progression=
Strict Shoulder Press
Dip and Hold
Dip and Drive Slow (vertical)
Dip and Drive Fast (stacked: shoulder over heels)
Push Press
Strict Shoulder Press
Dip and Hold
Dip and Drive Slow (vertical)
Dip and Drive Fast (stacked: shoulder over heels)
Push Press
B2: Push Jerk Progression
Push Jerk Progression=
Jump and Land (hands at sides)/
Jump and Land (hands at shoulders)/
Jump, Punch, Land with Arms Fully Extended Overhead/
Push Jerk
Jump and Land (hands at sides)/
Jump and Land (hands at shoulders)/
Jump, Punch, Land with Arms Fully Extended Overhead/
Push Jerk
B3: Shoulder Press (1/1/1/1/1 Building )
C: Push Press (3/3/3/3/3 Building)
D: Push Jerk (5/5/5/5/5)