WOD 12/18/17
B: Split Jerk (1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 @90%)
**From The Rack**
% of Heavy Single; Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets
C: Weighted Pull-ups (1/1/1/1/1/1 @90%)
% of Heavy Single ; Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets
D: For Time:
5 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch (50/35#)
8 Burpee Over D.B.
10 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch
8 Burpee Over D.B.
15 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch
8 Burpee Over D.B.
20 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch
8 Burpee Over D.B.
25 Each Alternating D.B. Power Snatch
-10 Minute Cap