WOD 12/20/17
A2: Against a 2 Minutes Clock:
30 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′)
Max Calorie Row In Time Remaining (8/5)
B: Push Press (1/1/1@90%)
% of 1RM; Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets
C: Shoulder Press (3@80 + 2@85 + 1/1/1@90)
% of 1RM; Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets
D: Weighted Dip (1/1/1@90%)
*E: 5 Rounds of:
Against a 2 Minute Clock:
2 Rope Climb
30 Double UndersMax Burpees In any time remaining
; 60 Seconds Rest