WOD 1/25/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Hip/Back Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 10 Calorie Row/5 Dips/10 Air Squat/10 GHD Sit Up -9 Minute Cap
B- Bench Press- 18 Minutes To A 5RM
C- 8 Minutes WU DeadLift (225/135)/HSPU + Diane= 21/15/9 RFT of: DeadLift (225/135)/HSPU or Dianish= 21/15/9 RFT of: DeadLift (135/95)/HRPU -12 Minute Cap
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Diane womens Rx weight is 155# not 135#. Make sure if you do this workout Rx you get the weight right!!
Looking to beat my time of 6:22 back in June- Tam- you doin’ this with me today? The answer is yes you are!
I wrote it on the whiteboard the right way No worries 🙂
What @ 12!..?!?
I got a Diane time to crush. Looks like I’m due for a super PR
Last one was (12:00) from June 2014
yeah, right after we are done with team WOD- train hard!
Crushed my Diane time from June by about 3:30…
Used 145 lbs with a time of 11:13
Today I RXed the weight with a time of 7:48
Damn that’s a huge PR nice job
Thanks Matt
A- 5rds – 50 dus/5ring rips/10 air squats/10 t2b…complete but didn’t time it
B- push press 8rm- 155#
C- clean DL heavy set of 5…worked up to 225 anything above that didn’t feel like I was working the clean any more
D- Diane (bitch) – 6:07rx PR
E- accessory work (dynamic blackburns and such)
Crushed my old Diane time (which was only in June) by almost 2 minutes and at a new bodyweight!
4:28 Rx
I really pushed through those deadlifts..it’s slowly becoming another favorite lift maybe because I want to get better at it!
I always miss this WOD when Iz programs it and after watching the 4 pm get busy today I just had to take the opportunity.
4:37 Rx – PR!
All Deads Unbroken. The HSPUs on the other hand… not so much.
Shout out to Tina, Ed, Paul and Ant for pushing me through. You guys rock.
Oh crap – I can’t remember my exact time, what a long day..
Diane = 9:20something, maybe 9:30 something 🙁 Rxed ish – some of those HSPUs could have been tighter.
worked up to 5 @ 95lbs on Bench
Diane: 5:12 PR**
Last time in June it was 5:44. All HSPUs unbroken, as always :)- But not so good on the DLs. Felt like garbage afterwards. Not my best showing on a wod that im expected to crush…but happy with a PR. Gotta get it to Sub 5!!!
A) 5rds – 50 dus / 5ring dips / 10 asq / 10 t2b : complete
B) Push Press 8rm @ 145lbs + 3@135/130
C) Clean DL 5rep @ 255 + 5@240/230
D) Diane : 12:51 – went to 1 ab mat after 16reps… overhead will always be a place for improvement
E) 50 dynamic Blackburn + 25 YWTA @ 2kg
Frustrating to battle a weakness, but then again that’s why I do this. And I always appreciate the support of the 718 family, especially when I’m pissed off grinding away.
Awesome job today Smanick. Proud of you. You were determined to finish and you did. Dont be so hard on urself man. Those HSPUs have come a long way. Last year you would have had to scale them. You did your thing brotha.