WOD 1/26/14
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Ankle/Rack Mobility
A- WU- For Time: 200M Run/20 K.B. Front Squat (20/12Kgx2)/250M Row/10 WallBall (20-10’/14-9′) or 200M Run/20 D.B. Front Squat (25/15#x2)/250M Row/10 WallBall (14-10’/12-9′) – 8 Minute Cap
B- Thruster- 18 Minutes To A Heavy Triple
C- 21/15/9 RFT of: Thruster (95/65)/Burpees to a 6″ Target or 21/15/9 RFT of: Thruster (75/45)/Burpees
*D- Front Squat- Accumulate 3 Minutes in a perfect bottom position (95/65)
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
burpees without a 6″ target are bad enough; burpees with a 6″ target are that much worse; burpees with a 6″ target when you’re a gangly 6′ 2″ and the only target to ‘standard’ is the rig closest to the water fountain that’s at least 9-10″ above your reach are just wrong
I felt like I was testing my vertical leap every time
Good luck to my taller bretheren
This is going to take me a while. Thrusters, no bueno.
A little feedback guys…
The MTA is limiting service after 7pm….
I think I should cancel 7pm tonight – As well as 6 & 7am tomorrow morning.
hashtag 6amsnowedin
In Disney for a few more days. Our flight home was canceled. Had to get a Workout in although hotel gym was limited.
WU: 1mile on thread mill + 50 Air squats
A. Bench:
1 x 5 x 135#, 1 x 5 x 205#, 3 x 5 x 225#
Only available barbell on a smith machine
B. For time
21/15/9 – 45# DB Thurster and Burpees
C. 1 mile on thread mill + 50 Air squats
Hashtag minniemousestrong