WOD 1/29/15
8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 7 Chin Up (strict if possible)/7 Thruster (45/35)/7 Ghd Sit Up/7 Calorie Row/7 GHD Back Extension or 3 RNFT of: 7 Ring Row/7 Thruster (35/15)/7 Calorie Row/7 Super Man/7 Ab Mat Sit Up– 9 Minute Cap
B- Push Press- 15 Minutes To A 10 RM
C- Barbell Lunge– Heavy Triple (3 each leg HAP) -15 Minute Cap
D- 2 RFT of: 20 D.B. Push Press (45/25×2)/20 Each D.B. Lunge (45/25×2)/20 T2B or 2 RFT of: 20 K.B. Push Press (35/25×2)/20 Each D.B. Lunge (35/25×2)/20 AbMat Sit Up
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Haley and Appa look so cute!! Happy Thursday guys.
Circle talk today:
What food item do you need to take out of your diet the most?
– My answer would be Oil… I fry too much, i should be using my broiler more often.
Rest Day response – if I’m honest, I’d be a lot better if I cut out the booze. Age and work (inside and outside of the gym) are taking care of some of this already, but I could still do better.
Be Better!!
I didn’t know they were filming me…
lol Dave!
On a serious note:
Did anyone accidentally take home an XL CF 718 baseball shirt last night? If so please bring it back.
I’d prob say I need more greens in my diet. Can’t really think of something I need to take out.