WOD 1/28/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- For Time: 500M Row + EMOM for 6 Minutes: 12 USA K.B. Swing (HBD) – 9 Minute Cap
Notes: For USA K.B. Swing you choose appropriate weight.
B- Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk- 8 Minutes WU to 80% of best Clean & Jerk + 2 Every 90 Seconds @ 80% of C&J 1RM for 9 Rounds (Approximately 15 Minutes)
C- 8 Minute AMRAP of: 200M Run/15 HSPU/250M Row/30 Double Unders or 8 Minute AMRAP of: 200M Run/15 HRPU/250M Row/30 Seconds Practice Double Unders
*D- 3 Rounds of: Ring L-Support Max Unbroken Hold or Tuck Ring L-Support ; 45 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Had a fun class at 9am. Great workout guys, dont miss it. Start off with a lot of stretching make sure you hit up that wrist mobility.
Warm up: 500m row + 12 Goblet Squats EMOM for 6 minutes @ 53lbs
Hang Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk = 2 @115lbs x 9 rounds
8 Min AmRAP = 2 Rounds + 250m + 6 Push ups Team Red RX
2 Rounds Max effort Tuck Support hold
msof did you happen to take a rogue SR1 jumprope home with you? if so it’s probably half the length of yours. couldn’t find mine after class.
A) 3 rds of : 15 double ussr kbs (20kg)/10 fsq/30 second rack hold
B) Hang Clean + 2 Jerk – 91kg + 1@86kg/80kg
C) 3 rft of : 30 DU / 15 fsq @165 / 15 HSPU – 16min+ with 1 ab mat and a very beaten back
D) accumulated 1 min in tuck
E) 3 rds of 10 GHD Back Ext + 20 UB Push Up
Bonus : a lot of back mobility and general rehab
A) 3 rds of : 15 double ussr kbs/10 fsq/30 second rack hold
B) Hang Clean + 2 Jerk – 67kg – got the clean and 1 jerk at 70kg and just couldn’t stick that 2nd jerk
C) 3 rft of : 30 DU / 15 fsq @105 / 15 HSPU – 13min and some change – used one ab mat – front squats crushed me
D) accumulated 2 min in tuck
E) 3 rds of 10 GHD Back Ext + 20 UB Push Up – got through 2 rounds of this
Everyone was throwing up some weight for the complex and looking sexytime in their new 718 raglans after class. I’m gonna be feeling this one tomorrow!
Smanik – good on you for all the mobility work. Bonus points from The Maestro.
Late reply – thanks Shante! Was very necessary after the beat down I put on my back…
Wow, guys i did see some impressive lifts last night! All around, Bravo!
A) 3 rds of : 15 double ussr kbs/10 fsq/30 second rack hold
B) Hang Clean + 2 Jerk – 50 kg
C) 3 rft of : 30 DU / 15 fsq @105 / 15 HSPU – 16:16
D) accumulated 2 min in tuck
E) 3 rds of max GHD Back Ext + max UB Push Up – 19/20; 15,15
Wango, my apologies, I was zzzz by the time you sent this
I have two ropes of my own, but still use one of the box’s, so I wouldn’t have snagged it…I’ll double-check for you though
good luck finding it my friend
Wango, my apologies, I was zzzz by the time you sent this
I have two ropes of my own, but still use one of the box’s, so I wouldn’t have snagged it…I’ll double-check for you though
good luck finding it my friend
no sweat msof. someone told me you had the same rope that’s why i asked. i probably just forgot it. too many hspu’s will do that.