WOD 2/14/15
8 Minutes of Back/Hip/Shoulder/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 10 Each: Kang Squat/BTN Thruster (75/45#)/Calorie Row or 3 RNFT of: 10 Each: Kang Squat/BTN Thruster (45/15#)/Calorie Row -7 Minute Cap
B- 6 Minutes To WU Snatch 80% + EMOM For 20 Minutes: Even- 2 Snatch @ 80%/12 UB WallBall (20-10’/14-9′) or 6 Minutes WU Snatch to 80% + EMOM For 20 Minutes: Even- 2 Snatch @ 80%/8 UB D.B. Thruster (15/10#x2)
*C- 3 RFT of: 200M Run/15 GHD Sit Up/250M Row/15 T2B/30 Double Under’s/15 Ab-Mat Sit Up’s or 3 Rounds of: 250M Row/15 Tuck Up/200M Run/15 Hanging Knee Raise/30 Single Under’s/15 Ab-Mat Sit Up’s
*= Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Thanks for the loving words of encouragement Iz, I want to share with my friends and fellow competitors
Don’t be nervous, this is what you do everyday. Go out there and have a good time with your friends 😀
Can’t wait. See you there
Good Luck to those competing in Flex today. REPRESENT!
Well said coach Iz. Good luck to everyone. I wish I could be there to cheer you guys on.
Good luck! #718strong
This was a good day. Lots of PR’s, lots of gutsy performances.
Who knew kicking your own A could be this fun?