WOD 2/15/15
8 Minutes of Back/Hip/Shoulder/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 5 Inch Worm/10 Hollow Rock/5-10 Ring Row
B- 8 Minutes WU- Squat Clean + Thruster to (135/95)/ Muscle Up + 10 Minutes Ascending Ladder of: 1 Muscle Up/1 Thruster (135/95)/2 Muscle Up/2 Thruster/ Continue in this fashion for 10 Minutes or 8 Minutes WU- Squat Clean + Thruster to (95/65)/ Ring Row + 10 Minutes Ascending Ladder of: 1 Ring Row/1 Thruster (95/65)/2 Ring Row/2 Thruster/ Continue in this fashion for 10 Minutes
C- Deadlift- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Triple + 3@95/90% -20 Minute Cap
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Guys, please be sure to register for class tomorrow and cancel your reservation if you aren’t going to make it.
Its cold out there.
Shout out to my girl shante with that 225lb dead lift today
U made that look EASY:)